Five Powerful Songs to Listen to When Grieving

After my miscarriage I found myself struggling to find the words to describe how I felt. I was filled with feelings of anger, sadness, confusion and shame. I was navigating grief completely foreign to me and was at a loss as to how to explain it to my loved ones. One thing I knew for […]
Why I don’t think we should be normalizing miscarriages

I’m just going to say it, I don’t agree with normalizing miscarriages. Miscarriages are painful and emotionally devastating experiences that leave a lasting impact on the lives of those who go through them. Often times they result in feelings of shame, confusion, guilt and isolation. While there has been a growing movement to normalize miscarriages, […]
Why it’s so hard to move forward after a miscarriage

I ordered a “big brother” shirt for my son the very day I found out I was pregnant. I got pregnant with him quickly and had a normal, healthy pregnancy. Why would this one be any different? It was different. And so was the pregnancy that followed. It never even occurred to me that I […]
Why you shouldn’t wait to tell people you’re pregnant

There’s this idea that you should wait until after the first trimester to announce to the world that you’re pregnant. I’ve heard it for as long as I can remember. I was told that this way, if you miscarry, you won’t have to go back and tell everyone. With my first pregnancy, I followed the […]
6 Waves Of Grief I Immediately Experienced After My Miscarriage

I hear the phrase “stages of grief” more commonly used than waves of grief. But for me, the intense feelings after a miscarriage are very much like waves. They come and go, washing away pieces of you each time. Some bigger than others, but they keep coming nonetheless. The waves of grief that are brought […]
Why It’s So Hard To Talk About Miscarriages

If a close friend of yours came to you and said, “I’m going through something really difficult and I could use a friend”, what would you do? You’d drop everything to be there for them right? So why then, don’t we allow people to do the same for us? I didn’t know how to talk […]
Miscarriage: What happened during mine and what I’ve learned

I don’t believe anyone can adequately prepare you for what you’ll experience physically or emotionally during a miscarriage. After having two, each very different from the other, I realized I had NO IDEA what to expect. There are so many emotions that come from this kind of loss. Different women will certainly have different experiences, […]
What to say after someone you love has a miscarriage

This post is for 2 types of people. First it’s for those that have or will have someone in their life that experiences a miscarriage. If that’s you, my hope is that after you read this, you’ll feel more confident in the words you choose as you comfort your loved one. It’s also for those […]